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Harness and Nose Loop Recommendations
Need a little more control and leverage on your dog as you begin the journey to better loose leash walking? Check out our recommendations below!

The original no pull harness. This harness inhibits the full extension of your dog's legs and controls their shoulders. For success, the fit should be snug.

The Halti Head Collar is secure and more challenging for your dog to remove. Recommended for strong pullers over 55 pounds. Requires conditioning for the dog to comfortably wear it.

The Freedom Harness is a no-pull T-strap harness. It inhibits pulling, as well as reducing the ability of your dog to pull out of the harness with the T-strap design. An additional back loop for a secondary leash is added security for strong or reactive dogs.

Head halters act much like a bridle on a horse. Halters are recommended for dogs over 55 pounds. The Gentle Leader's simple design tends to make it easier to condition your dog to wearing it.